Warm Fennel Salad

Back in my uni days and when I first started working full time and commuting to Melbourne, I used to meal prep like a crazy woman. Studying nutrition, working and trying to stay healthy was a constant juggling act so having a fridge full of good food to fall back on was my secret over those years. This salad was one of my favourites. It kept well, had great flavours and had the nutritional value to keep me nourished. I prefer eating it warm but the flavours do develop well overnight, store in the fridge.

1 whole fennel bulb

10 - 12 brussel sprouts

1 cup frozen peas

1 bunch parsley

Juice of 1 lemon

Olive oil


Preheat your oven to 200 degrees and grease a lined baking tray with some olive oil. Slice the fennel into 1 cm thick slices, slice the brussel sprouts in half. Roast until soft: 15 - 20 minutes. Cook a bit longer to get the edges a bit caramelised. Pour boiling water over the peas to defrost then drain. Add the peas, fennel and brussel sprouts to a bowl. Finely chop the parsley and add with the lemon juice to the salad. Season to taste, add a drizzle of olive oil and mix well. The flavours develop well, so are perfect to make a day ahead.