Mushrooms & Miso

I absolutely adore the TV show Masterchef and have watched most seasons, frantically jotting down flavour combinations and recipe ideas. I find what they do for our cuisine here in Australia so inspiring. This recipe is inspired by one of their challenges: the flavour combination of miso and butter just blew my mind and I just had to try it. When I first tried to incorporate parsnip into my life, I tried making a soup with it that I just didn’t love so I learned to combine it with stronger flavours, such as the miso butter here.

100 g butter

2 tbs miso

1 clove garlic

3 parsnips

25 g butter

200 g mixed mushrooms

1 brown onion, finely sliced

2 tbs thyme leaves, picked 

Olive oil


Peel the parsnips, cut into chunks and boil until soft. Blend with the 50 g of butter and season to taste. Melt the remaining 50 g butter in a small saucepan with a small drizzle of olive oil to stop it burning. Add the crushed garlic and cook until just fragrant, add the miso and remove from the heat. Mix well until smooth. In a pan, sauté the onion in olive oil until soft, add the mushrooms and cook until soft. Serve over the puree and under the mushrooms. Drizzle the miso butter over to serve.