Chocolate Custard

Not only do I have vegan friends who I cook for but also dairy intolerant friends and I myself avoid excessive dairy. I have been making this recipe for years and it even featured in my previous workplace’s recipe book! I also included it in a little booklet of recipes as a gift for a friend who is dairy free. Give it a go, you just might surprise yourself with how much you love it!

50 g coconut oil

2 tbs cornflour

2 tbs coconut sugar

1 tsp vanilla ¼ cup cacao

1 x 400 ml can coconut milk

Melt the coconut oil and cornflour together over a low heat in a small saucepan. Add the rest of the ingredients and whisk constantly until it comes to the boil. Immediately remove from the heat and keep whisking for a few more minutes. Best served warm with fruit or berries.