Choc Orange Bliss Balls

There is a particular chocolate that rhymes with baffa that the flavour for this is modelled off. I actually remember the first time I had one as a kid and ever since, I have loved that chocolate/orange flavour combination. I make this with walnuts usually to make it remarkably healthier than the original - full of good fats!

1 orange

½ cup cacao

3 cups nuts or seeds (I used walnuts, pepitas would also be great)

1 cup pitted dates

2 - 3 tbs coconut oil

Pour boiling water over the dates so they can soak while you prepare the rest of the ingredients. Zest and juice the orange, process the nuts or seeds you are using as fine as you can. Drain the dates and add the coconut oil so the residual heat melts the coconut oil. Add the dates/coconut oil mix to the blender with the nuts/seeds, orange juice and zest and the cacao. Blend until it forms a dough like consistency. Roll into balls and store in the fridge.