Warm Chia Pudding

Many traditional medicine practices suggest choosing warming foods during winter for our bodies health so during winter, I tend to steer away from fruit or smoothies for breakfast and have either soft boiled eggs or this warm chia pudding. I first got the idea from my friend, Shirley, who is a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner. It's like dessert for breakfast with the sweetness from the pears and handy that the main elements can be prepared ahead of time. Challenge yourself to give it a go this winter!

2 large pears

1 cinnamon stick or 1 tsp cinnamon powder

2 tbs chia seeds

1/2 cup oats

3 cups plant based milk

1 tsp vanilla

Coconut yoghurt and a sprinkle of cinnamon to serve

Mix the chia seeds, oats and 2 cups of milk together and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, peel the pears and cut into quarters and poach over a low heat with the cinnamon. Heat the overnight chia/oats in a small saucepan with the remaining cup of milk. Add the vanilla. Serve with the pears and a sprinkle of cinnamon and a spoonful of yoghurt.